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Vision and mission

Vision and mission

NWT’s vision is to add value to its pork by-products as optimally and flexibly as possible and make them available to the widest possible range of people. The world needs affordable and tasty products with high nutritional value. NWT aims to feed the world with valuable and food-safe proteins.

Volume to Value

For the past two years under the Vion banner, NWT has increasingly focused on value creation for its customers. NWT is creative, innovative and entrepreneurial, and has a wealth of product and process knowledge. NWT is able to add value to products quickly, well and flexibly, whether it involves cutting, sawing, cooking, smoking, drying, adding flavour or any of the other processes NWT offers.


NWT was established in 1999 to provide an outlet for small and medium-sized abattoirs to sell their pork by-products. By-products such as kidneys, ribs and trotters also have value outside Europe, for example in Asia, Africa and the Western Caribbean, where they are part of mainstream consumption patterns.

NWT focused on exporting packaged by-products around the world. Over time, this has grown from modest beginnings into a business handling 1,800 tonnes of by-products per week.

In 2010, the German company Saria acquired NWT. In the following 10 years, the production and processing of pork by-products were extensively optimised. Since 2020, NWT has been part of international food company Vion Food Group, where it is part of the strategic group Vion Ingredients. The vast knowledge available at NWT on pork by-product valorisation and the company’s unique position in the global market make NWT a strategic party that can provide tailor-made solutions to its customers.


Uncategorized Press release
28 May 2024 Frontrunner Vion makes CO2 footprint in pork chain insightful and transparent
Press release
19 March 2024 Vion strengthens demand-driven chain concept Good Farming Balance for the future 
Press release
19 January 2024 Outstanding collaboration for animal welfare at Grüne Woche
Press release
16 January 2024 Vion reviews German business portfolio 
19 December 2023 Vion strengthens relationship with pig farmers during Good Farming Balance Supplier Days
Press release
28 November 2023 Positive results for butcher formula De Groene Weg
Press release
22 November 2023 Vion Digital Innovation Manager wins German Meat Industry Talent Award 2023
Press release
13 November 2023 World Steak Challenge 2023: Vion wins 2x gold, 1x silver and 5x bronze
Press release
04 October 2023 Philippe Thomas COO of new Germany organisation at Vion
Press release
26 September 2023 DistriFresh further expands electric fleet and takes next step towards CO₂-neutral transport
Press release
22 September 2023 Stronger together to provide Food that Matters – Vion’s sustainability commitment at Anuga 2023
Press release
10 August 2023 Meat’s Image on the Mend: A Positive Shift in Perception
Press release
29 June 2023 Vion accelerates strategy and aligns capacity with the market
Press release
15 June 2023 Dr Veronika Weber is the new Director Quality Assurance Vion Germany
Press release
07 June 2023 Vion announces strategic transformations